Interim report January – September 2005
- Operating revenues for the period rose 7.0 per cent till SEK 1,722.3 m (1,609.7) - EBIT amounted to SEK 128.7 m (167.8) - Write-down of the value of properties, goodwill and inventory in Danish operations totalling SEK 17.4 m impacted earnings for the third quarter. Operating profit before impairment losses amounted to SEK 146.1 m. - The EBIT margin amounted to 7.5 per cent (10.4) - Net profit amounted to SEK 84.5 m (116.6) - Earnings per share after full dilution and the share split amounted to SEK 2.47 (3.48) - Summary of the Group’s earnings trend Summary of the Group’s earnings trend July-Sept Jan-September 12 mth. FY 2005 2004 2005 2004 2004 SR Oct-Sept 2004 Operating revenues, 582.2 539.5 1,722.3 1,609.7 1,609.7 2,261.5 2,149.0 SEK m Operating profit, 46.9 69.1 128.7 167.8 151.4 129.2 168.3, SEK m Profit after financial 42.6 67.3 121.4 161.7 145.2 121.4 161.7 items, SEK m Net profit, 27.4 48.5 84.5 116.6 91.8 74.1 106.2 SEK m Operating 8.1 12.8 7.5 10.4 9.4 5.7 7.8 margin, % Earnings per share after 0.76 1.43 2.47 3.48 2.99 2.19 3.18 full dilution, SEK *) *) Historical data have been re-calculated to facilitate comparability following a 2 for 1 split on7 June 2005. This Interim Report has been prepared pursuant to IAS 34. The transitional rules were presented in a separate press release on 14 March 2005. In this report, nine-month results for 2004 are also reported in accordance with generally acceptable accounting practices in Sweden (SGAAP). The disclosures in Interim Reports for 2002 and 2003 have not been re-calculated pursuant to IFRS. Mekonomen Mekonomen is Scandinavia’s leading car spare parts chain, offering service centres and motorists a broad selection of spare parts and car accessories. Its competitive edge lies in a network of wholly owned and co-operating stores offering broad geographical coverage, efficient logistics and high service levels. Inquiries to: Owe Andersson, CEO +46 (0)8 464 0080, mobile +46 (0)70 534 9570 Börje Bengtsson, COO +46 (0)8 464 0047, mobile +46 (0)70 828 4987 Jan Nilstadius, CFO +46 (0)8 464 0020, mobile +46 (0)70 300 5020