Interim report January – June 2007
• Total revenues for the second quarter increased by 0.4 per cent compared with the year-earlier period and amounted to SEK 665.8 M (663.0). Revenues for the period increased by 4.9 per cent to SEK 1,271.7 M (1,212.8).
• EBIT for the second quarter increased by 103.5 per cent compared with the year-earlier period and amounted to SEK 75.9 M (37.4). EBIT for the period amounted to SEK 129.2 M (75.4).
• Income after financial items increased by 129.8 per cent for the second quarter and amounted to SEK 73.3 M (31.9). Income after financial items for the period amounted to SEK 134.5 M (67.7). Financial items include positive currency effect totalling SEK 0.9 M (neg: 3.9) for the second quarter and SEK 11.2 M (neg: 3.4) for the period.
• EBIT margin for the second quarter increased to 11.4 per cent (5.6) and for the period to 10.2 per cent (6.2).
• Profit after tax for the second quarter increased by 125 per cent and amounted to SEK 52.2 M (23.2). Profit after tax for the period amounted to SEK 95.9 M (47.8).
• Earnings per share before dilution for the second quarter increased by 153 per cent and amounted to SEK 1.62 M (0.64) and for the period to SEK 2.96 M (1.41).