Interim report January – September 2007
• Total revenues for the third quarter increased by 3.0 per cent compared with the year-earlier period and amounted to SEK 625.8 M (607.5). Revenues for the period increased by 4.2 per cent to SEK 1,897.5 M (1,820.3).
• EBIT for the third quarter increased by 10.8 per cent compared with the year-earlier period and amounted to SEK 78.2 M (70.6). EBIT for the period amounted to SEK 207.4 M (146.0).
• Income after financial items increased by 234 per cent for the third quarter and amounted to SEK 215.5 M (64.5). Income after financial items for the period amounted to SEK 350.0 M (132.2). Income after financial items for the third quarter as well as for the period includes an effect from the sale of the Group’s property portfolio totalling 133.3 M and positive currency effects totalling SEK 2.0 M (neg: 4.2) for the third quarter and SEK 13.2 M (neg: 7.6) for the period.
• EBIT margin for the third quarter increased to 12.5 per cent (11.6) and for the period to 10.9 per cent (8.0).
• Profit after tax for the third quarter increased by 305 per cent and amounted to SEK 186.6 M (46.1). Profit after tax for the period amounted to SEK 282.5 M (93.9). Adjusted for the property transaction, profit after tax amounted to SEK 55.6 M for the quarter and SEK 151.5 M for the period.
• Earnings per share before and after dilution for the third quarter increased by 343 per cent and amounted to SEK 5.94 (1.34) and for the period to SEK 8.90 (2.75).
• Earnings from the sale of the Group’s property portfolio were taken up as revenue during the third quarter with a positive earnings effect, which preliminarily amounts to SEK 131 M after tax. Final settlement will take place in the fourth quarter.
For further information, please contact:
Håkan Lundstedt, President and CEO Mekonomen AB, Tel. +46(0)8-464 00 10 or
Gunilla Spongh, CFO Mekonomen AB, Tel. +46(0)8-464 00 80