Mekonomen’s first unit to open on the Finnish market
Mekonomen’s successful concept has now arrived in Finland. The Finnish market has huge potential and Mekonomen's objective is to establish 15 new units until 2012.
– The Finnish car fleet is one of the oldest in Europe with an average age of eleven years. The aftermarket for spare parts is therefore enormous and has been valued to around 25 billion Swedish crowns or approximately 2,6 billion Euro. Mekonomen’s unique concept of store and workshop fills a major gap on the Finnish market. Finland is a thereby a priority market in the coming years, says Håkan Lundstedt, President and CEO of Mekonomen.
Together with Sweden, Norway and Denmark, Finland is the fourth country where Mekonomen's successful business model is established. The objective in Finland is to make CarLife easier for Finnish car owners by offering a combination of store and workshop with a wide product range and long opening hours. The concept is particularly attractive in Finland since no similar chains exist.
– A successful strategy for Mekonomen has been to focus on women and this is a strategy that we will fulfil in Finland as well. Finland is traditionally a male dominated market but this is something that Mekonomen wants to change. The percentage of female motorists in Finland is 50 per cent, which is a higher proportion than in, for instance, Sweden. Thus, Mekonomen has great potential of making CarLife easier for women while we, at the same time reach commercial success, says Håkan Lundstedt.