Significantly increased digitization in the automotive aftermarket B2C

10 February 2022 · Pressrelease

Nearly half of car owners in Sweden, Norway and Finland prefer to book their workshop appointments digitally, a large increase compared with five years ago. For Mekonomen Group, the number of digital bookings has increased by 20 percent in 2021 compared with the previous year. During the same period, consumer sales of products via e-commerce, which account for a non-significant part of the company's total sales, increased by 40 percent.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, B2B sales in the automotive aftermarket takes place through digital channels, with the support of digital catalogs, systems and automation. The digital customer journey for car owners has developed in parallel at a somewhat slower pace, something that Mekonomen Group believes will change as demand explodes.

“Since we launched our first e-commerce for consumers in 2012, we have continued to develop the digital customer journey for car owners, including digital booking of workshop services, mobile payment solutions and key cabinets for flexible car drop off and pick up in the workshop. In recent years, we have seen that the demand for digital booking solutions and services has increased significantly, and that our investments in the area are appreciated”, says Petra Bendelin, Director of Business development and Strategy at Mekonomen Group.

In Mekonomen Group's most recent car life survey, almost half of car owners in Sweden, Norway and Finland state that they prefer digital booking alternatives. Others prefer to book a workshop appointment by phone or via a physical visit to the workshop.

“In our, as in many other industries, the seamless digital customer journey is important to attract customers. We will continue to challenge our way of thinking to enable mobility and strengthen our position as market leaders. The change in technology has always characterized our industry, why adjustment and adaptation to the latest technology is a part of our DNA. Right now we are in the middle of preparing our business for the upcoming electrification, to ensure that we will be the number one to-go-to partner for all electric car owners”, says Petra Bendelin.

For further information, please contact:

Petra Bendelin, Director Strategy and Business development, Mekonomen Group
Telefon: +46 (0)8 464 00 00, epost:

About Mekonomen Group's car life survey and statistics on the question "How do you prefer to book your workshop appointment?"

  • Mekonomen Group has since 2010 conducted car life surveys with questions about car-related habits and preferences. In 2021, the company in collaboration with Kantar/Sifo conducted the survey among 1,000 car owners in Sweden, Norway and Finland, among other things based on the question of how car owners prefer to book their workshop appointment.
  • In Sweden, 48 percent of car owners prefer digital booking alternatives (compared 27 percent in 2017).
  • In Norway, 43 percent of car owners prefer digital booking options (compared to 19 percent in 2017).
  • In Finland, 45 percent of car owners prefer digital booking options (no data for comparison).
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