Sustainability Report

The Sustainability Report is a part of the Annual Report and was prepared in observance of the requirements in the Annual Accounts Act and refers to the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Standards Core. Starting with the financial year 2025, MEKO is covered by the new law for non-financial reporting, CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive).

UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals

MEKO is a signatory of the UN Global Compact, a intitiativ, an initiative for responsible business and governs how companies organize their operations for human rights, employment conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.

MEKO also works with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, the 17 global goals take a broad perspective with long-term goals for sustainable development. The Global Goals is an action plan to protect the planet and to abolishing extreme poverty, reducing inequalities and injustices in the world, and promoting peace and justice. MEKO's operations contribute to several of the Global Goals, either directly or indirectly in the supply chain. The goals identified as the most essential are numbers 7, 8, 12 and 13.

UN global goal 7

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

  • We enable car owners to service and repair their vehicles regardless of whether they are powered by fossil fuels, biofuels or electricity.  
  • The right maintenance and service mean that the vehicles are as fuel-efficient and energy efficient as possible.  
  • Internally, we work to reduce our energy consumption in premises and to reduce our fuel consumption 


UN global goal 8

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

  • Our overall goal is to develop with high profitability and thereby generate value for the shareholders. Good profitability means that we can continue to work and create jobs and contribute to society through e.g., the payment of taxes.  
  • The Group’s values are presented in our Code of Conduct. We have zero tolerance for corruption.  
  • We invest resources in the training of future vehicle technicians to increase the supply of trained labor.  
  • As employers, we have a responsibility regarding the terms of employment, the working environment, gender equality, diversity and inclusion. 


UN global goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

  • A properly maintained vehicle contributes to traffic safety and reduces the vehicle’s environmental impact as much as possible during its lifespan.  
  • We have procedures and take responsibility in the purchase, sale and use of chemicals.  
  • We have procedures and take responsibility for our waste management.  
  • Our responsibility for the supply chain means defining requirements for and monitoring of our suppliers in terms of human rights, employment conditions and environmental and climate impact in the manufacturing process and raw materials. 


UN global goal 13

Combating climate change.

  • By developing our products and services for the growing share of vehicles that run on alternative fuels, such as biofuels and electricity, we contribute to a transformation to a climate-neutral society.
  • Through internal improvements in resource and energy efficiency, we reduce our impact on the environment and climate.
  • We are committed to setting science-based climate targets in line with the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). 


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