Corporate Governance

MEKO comprises approximately 160 companies, operating primarily in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden. The Parent Company of the Group is the Swedish public limited liability company MEKO AB, whose shares are listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm.

The Group’s corporate governance concerns how the operations are governed, managed and controlled in order to create value for he company’s shareholders and other stakeholders. The aim of corporate governance is to create the conditions for active and responsible company bodies, to clarify roles and segregation of responsibilities and to ensure true and fair reporting and information.

MEKO applies the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance in a manner that is described in detail in the annual Corporate Governance report. During the financial year 2022, MEKO has applied the Swedish Code for Corporate Governance with the exception of point 2.4 of the code:

  • Deviation from the Code (rule 2:4): According to the Code, a Board member shall not be the Nomination Committee’s chairman.
  • Explanation: Chairman Dominick Zarcone is also chairman of the Nomination Committee as it is a natural choice considering the ownership structure of Mekonomen.

Both internal and external regulations are used as a foundation for the governance of MEKO:

External regulations

  • Swedish Companies Act
  • Annual Accounts Act
  • Other relevant laws
  • Nasdaq Stockholm AB’s Rule book for issuers
  • Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the Code)
  • EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)
  • UN Global Compact

Internal regulations

  • Articles of Association
  • Board’s and committees’ rules of procedure
  • Board’s instruction for the President and CEO
  • Code of Conduct and Core Values
  • Corporate Governance Document
  • Other policies, guidelines and instructions

Swedish code for corporate governance

Information on the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance is available on the website for the Swedish Corporate Governance Board Foreign investors can also find Special Features of Swedish Corporate Governance on this website. (Under the writing: “Special Features of Swedish Corporate Governance”)

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