MEKO AB launch the Mobility Barometer – the truth of what we really think of mobility and the future

04 July 2022 08:30

MEKO (former Mekonomen Group) are now launching the Mobility Barometer, a comprehensive and unique report that shows what we really think and feel about mobility in general and electric cars in particular. With over 4,000 respondents in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark, the barometer reveals what habits we have today - but also what we want from the future.

“Mobility is a timeless need, no matter of the technical development or economic situation. We are right now in a green transformation of the car fleet, exciting but also an unknown area. We want to understand the patterns so that we at MEKO can continue to meet the needs of car owners in a way that is easy for them – without them needing to look elsewhere,” says
Petra Bendelin, Director of Business Development & Strategy, MEKO.

The Mobility Barometer is the first of its kind in the Nordics as it looks to the habits and attitudes of 4000 people. The survey is conducted online with randomly chosen respondents over 18 years old, between the 25th of March and April 4th, 2022. More than 1 000 persons in each Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden completed the survey.

“We wanted to conduct an objective report that is useful for the entire business community and for other actors such as politicians and authorities to make decisions that enable long-term mobility. One of the findings is that people want to be more sustainable, but the ways isn’t in line with the wish of mobility. Our ambition is to open for a transparent dialogue with the authorities so that we continue to develop mobility in a direction that’s good both for the people and the planet,” says Petra Bendelin, Director of Business Development & Strategy, MEKO.

Facts about the survey

The survey was carried out by Demoskop on behalf of MEKO AB (former Mekonomen Group). To correct for potential sampling biases and to account for the difference in country population size, the data is weighted on gender, age, and country population size. Analysis is focused on showing the aggregated results for the people in the Nordics, as well as differences between countries and certain groups.

Learn more:

  • MEKO AB invite to a digital seminar in Swedish at July 4th: “The electric car boom in the Nordic region: The truth about what we think about mobility and the future”. LinkedIn MEKO:
  • The Mobility Barometer, attached to this press release and available for download at


Gabriella Granholm, Director of Communication, Marketing and HR
Telephone: +46(0)8-464 00 00, Email:

Petra Bendelin, Director of Business Development & Strategy
Telephone: +46(0)8-464 00 00, Email:

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